Manage Your Novel Scenes with Checklists
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Manage Your Novel Scenes with Checklists

Scene Checklists Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward. As you build your story alternate between action and reaction. When you go through the first edits of your story make certain that all scene components are in each scene. You’ll take your reader by the hand to lead…

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What Readers Want From Scenes

Readers Want One Thing From a Scene – Change Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward and shed a no light on the main character. Each scene is a mini-story with the same overall sequence as the main story—beginning, middle, end. Within that mini-story a change happens. ​…

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Master Scene Sequence – Building Blocks to Your Story

Create Obstalces for Your Sleuth With Alternating Scenes Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward. As you build your story alternate between action and reaction.When you go through the first edits of your story make certain that all scene components are in each scene. You’ll take your reader…

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The Writing Magic of Brainstorming Scenes First

Brainstorm First, Organize Later ​Writers want a story that is unlike any other. Brainstorming your scenes is a creative way to capture the essence of your story. The ideas go straight from your head into story scenes. Use old-fashioned 3×5 cards, tools like Scrivener, or just list them out in a document. Keep adding scenes…

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How To Make Each Scene Count in Your Story

Scene Checklists Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward. As you build your story alternate between action and reaction. When you go through the first edits of your story make certain that all scene components are in each scene. You’ll take your reader by the hand to lead…