Are You Missing the Fun of Story Writing?
Three proven ways to kickstart each writing session so you don’t waste time staring at a blank page.
Three proven ways to kickstart each writing session so you don’t waste time staring at a blank page.
Steps to set up your email system to connect with readers.
Story development on plot and characters enriches reader engagement and helps you write faster.
Reading helps you become a better writer. Discover six ways daily reading improves your writing life.
Who, what, where, and action are keys to get your reader into the story from the start. Save narrative description and backstory for later. Now is the time to show your reader you tell a good story.
Subtext is any content which is not announced explicitly. Baffle your sleuth and your reader with suspect subtext.
Create relatable characters by giving them opinions.
Tips to plant clues about your villain but leaving the reveal to your sleuth.
Allowing your reader to imagine character details in the theater of the mind develops connections with your story.
Without an immediate connection with your sleuth, a reader is not motivated to follow them solving the puzzle in the rest of your novel.