Author Business Tools

The Business Side of Being an Author The business side of of being an author can be bewildering, time-consuming, and frustrating. Gabriel Mercer presents ways to keep tract of expenses and income to generate a business profit and loss  pre-formatted spreadsheets for you to download and use a straightforward explanation of UTMs, how to use…

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Don’t Just Sit There! Start Your Novel Outline

Your Novel Outline Can Make You Invincible For a writer, nothing feels better than writing The End when your novel is finished. Beginning novelists can flounder around trying to make the first novel work. An outline can keep your story on track and make all the difference when it comes to writing your entire novel…

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How To Make Each Scene Count in Your Story

Scene Checklists Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward. As you build your story alternate between action and reaction. When you go through the first edits of your story make certain that all scene components are in each scene. You’ll take your reader by the hand to lead…

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Historical Story Setting: Discovering Ostia and Portus

A Setting in Time At the time of Argolicus Rome was neither the capital city of Italy nor the center of the Roman Empire. King Theoderic, ruled Italy from the north of Italy in Ravenna and the Roman Empire was centered in Constantinople. In The Roman Heir Argolicus and Nikolaos leave Rome to begin his…

Work With Your Editors

A Simple Way to Work with Editors Many writers dread the editing process, especially when it comes to recommendations for rewrites. David Amerland calls editing brain-squeezing. I agree. For every suggestion an editor makes you have to agree, disagree, or partially agree. Then if you agree, it’s time to rethink that portion of the manuscript and…