Mystery Novel Opening: Take Charge as the Ringmaster of Your Story with a Striking Beginning
Like a circus ringmaster let your beginning announce the excitement ahead.
Like a circus ringmaster let your beginning announce the excitement ahead.
Why subtext is the writer’s power tool to invest readers in your characters and story.
How to approach the second draft of your novel. Steps to make your story more enjoyable for your reader.
How to integrate research details into your mystery novel to keep readers reading.
Important points for starting your author platform early and how to get started.
Match your protagonist’s tools to his personality and skills to make them believable and relatable for your reader.
How to capture story inspriation wherever you are. Create a system so ideas are not lost.
The importance of character small passions to get your reader to care about your entire story.
Try character trait opposition to create story conflict integral to your sleuth and the story.
Limit the goals, create aspects of conflict to increase reader engagement with your mystery.