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How To Structure Your Story Idea

From Story Idea to Story Summary ​Once you create your one-sentence story idea, build out to a summary paragraph to include characters, main story points, and the climax. Expanding your story idea builds your story writing momentum. Years ago Randy Ingermanson proposed a way to summarize your story highlighting the important pivots: three disasters plus…

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Capture Your Story Idea In One Sentence

Harness Your Story Idea to Write a Better Novel When a writer has a new story idea, you spend time thinking about your novel before you ever start writing. You’ll do bits of research. You’ll brainstorm how the story will work. You hear the voices of different characters. You think about what the book is…

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Backstory and Dreams – What To Do

Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash Backstory and Dreams – New Writer Pitfalls ​Backstory and Dreams are traps for beginning writers. When you’re just starting out, avoid them. Yes, I know Michael Connelly uses war dreams for Bosch.  Use these two story elements with a light touch. Best to avoid them. If you use them at all, wait…

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Master Scene Sequence – Building Blocks to Your Story

Create Obstalces for Your Sleuth With Alternating Scenes Scenes are the building blocks of your story. Each scene moves the story forward. As you build your story alternate between action and reaction.When you go through the first edits of your story make certain that all scene components are in each scene. You’ll take your reader…

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Cut Through The Story Fog To Write Your Mystery

Photo by Eugeniu Esanu on Unsplash How To Not Get Lost In Your Mystery Writing a first mystery can be challenging as a new author. With all the information out there about writing a story, you may be tempted to get “everything” into your story.  And, with your creative mind buzzing, it’s easy to have lots of ideas…

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The Faint-Hearted Author’s Guide to Self-Editing

Photo by pulkit jain on Unsplash How To Meet The Challenge of Editing Your Manuscript As a novel writer, the editing process seems mysterious, daunting, and unmanageable when you view it through your creative writer lens. You are right, manuscript editing requires a different mindset and separate skills.If you approach editing with a perspective that…

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Mystery Monday – Make Your Reader a Detective

Tips to Draw Your Reader Into Your Mystery Create a mystery that gives your reader opportunities to play and active part in unveiling the suspect.  Mindset and Methods  Beginning writers often are so involved in the process of creating a novel, they forget the reader. Readers are an author’s lifeblood. They post reviews which are…