Writing Vacation: The Third Week

Sonoma County Couthouse and rainbow

The best thing about this writing vacation experiment is writing every day.

Although I eliminated several weekly tasks from my schedule to concentrate on fiction, I still have employment writing tasks. Some days I struggle with the fiction after writing 2k + words for work.

Here’s the review:

Day 14 – Hit the wall. First day of this experient when I didn’t write a word.

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Day 15 – Paranoia in a small town. Witness, but not a suspect. 

Day 16 – A scene, not an entire chapter. Brief background research for the next Jane Sharpe novel. (I had an idea, fleshing for out the concept.)

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Day 17 – New chapter, closer to the villains. Partial next chapter. 

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Day 18 – Crime scene, villain’s cabin, the pesky reporter. Evidence.

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Day 19 – New chapter done. Follow up on the second victim. Evidence on the first victim. 

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Day 20 – Interview. Is a witness a suspect? 

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I’m disappointed that my progress is slow. On the other hand, I am pleased with what I have written.

Thank you so much for following this experiment.

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